

  • PHP 8.1 or higher

  • Laravel 9.* or higher

  • Nova 4

  • GD or Imagick

  • FFMPEG (required for larupload usage)

Part of the functionality provided by the NovaCkeditor package relies on Larapload, a user-friendly package for managing media and uploads. To fully leverage the capabilities offered by NovaCkeditor, we recommend reading the Larapload documentation first. This will ensure that you can take full advantage of the available abilities and seamlessly integrate media management and uploads into your Laravel Nova application.


1. Install the package using composer

composer require mostafaznv/nova-ckeditor

2. Publish the configuration, migrations, models, resources, and snippets

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mostafaznv\NovaCkEditor\FieldServiceProvider"

3. Prepare the migration, configurations and models

After publishing stubs, essential Image, Video, Audio and File classes will be created in the app/Models and app/Nova/Resources directories respectively. These classes are used for the media-picker in the CKEditor field.

You should create a disk in config/filesystems.php:

'disks' => [
    'image' => [
        'driver'     => 'local',
        'root'       => public_path('uploads/image'),
        'url'        => env('APP_URL') . '/uploads/image',

If you wish to modify the disk name, remember to update it in the App\Nova\Resources\Image class as well. The third argument of the make function in the ImageUpload field corresponds to the disk name.

4. Migrate

php artisan migrate

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