UI Language Name


Property NameTypeDefault


string format: ISO 639-1


The toolbars.toolbar-1.ui-language.name configuration option allows you to specify the language of the CKEditor's user interface (UI) within Toolbar 1 in the Nova Ckeditor package. This option determines the language used for labels, tooltips, and other UI elements specific to Toolbar 1.

By default, the toolbars.toolbar-1.ui-language.name configuration option is set to "en", indicating English as the default language for the CKEditor UI within Toolbar 1. However, you can adjust this value to match the desired language code based on the ISO 639-1 format. For example, "en" for English, "fa" for Farsi, "es" for Spanish, and so on.

To configure the language of the CKEditor's UI within Toolbar 1, update the value of toolbars.toolbar-1.ui-language.name in the config/nova-ckeditor.php file with the desired language code.

Last updated