Media Embed

The media embed feature adds support for easily inserting embeddable media, such as YouTube or Vimeo videos and tweets, into your rich text content.

  • Alternatively, you can directly paste the media URL into the editor content, and it will be automatically embedded for you.


To configure the media embed feature, you have the option to override providers or add extraProviders through the configuration file.


return [
    'toolbar' => [

        'options' => [

            'mediaEmbed' => [
                'providers' => [
                        'name' => 'youtube',
                        'url'  => [
                        'html' => '
                            <div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(56.2493% + 26px);">
                                <div><b>id</b>: ${match[1]}, <b>start</b>: ${match[2]}</div>
                                    src="${match[1]}${match[2] ? `?start=${match[2]}` : ""}"
                                    style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 26px); top: 26px; left: 0;"
                                    allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"
                // or
                'extraProviders' => [
                        'name' => 'example',
                        'url'  => '/^example\.com\/media\/(\w+)\/(.+)/',
                        'html' => '<p>first: ${match[1]}</p><p>second: ${match[2]}</p>'

For more detailed information and instructions on configuring media embed, please refer to the official documentation: Media Embed Documentation

Last updated