Image Processing Library

The imageProcessingLibrary method is used to set the image processing library for a specific attachment. It accepts a string parameter that can be either GD or IMAGICK to specify the library to use for image manipulation operations like cropping and resizing.

By default, Larupload uses the GD library for image processing, but you can override this at the attachment level by calling the imageProcessingLibrary method on the Attachment instance. This allows you to have different attachments that use different image processing libraries, depending on your needs.

Here is an example of how to use the imageProcessingLibrary method to set the image processing library for an attachment:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mostafaznv\Larupload\Enums\LaruploadImageLibrary;
use Mostafaznv\Larupload\Storage\Attachment;
use Mostafaznv\Larupload\Traits\Larupload;

class Media extends Model
    use Larupload;

    public function attachments(): array
        return [

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